Come join us every Thursday @ 5:30 at Columbo's Cafe and Tavern in the basement as we put on a new episode . . .


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Great Show
Look forward to your podcast every week have not missed one. I encourage any of the retired policemen I meet with every month to listen to the show, even some civilians. You might want to do a show down the road on the old cadet program. I was in one of the earlier classes #9 in 1965.

Avid Indoorsman...I guess John is not a sports participant. Great news s
I wake up every Saturday looking forward to The Brighter Side of Blue. Shows the others side of police work...the hard work that makes the job rewarding at times and heartbreaking. Sometimes during the same incident. Worked with great Officer's in the city. HH, Joe Mokwa, Pete Gober (RIP). We roamed the metro area knocking drug dealers and making "vacuums." Carry on and I'll see ya next Saturday.

My friend Georgette G turned me onto this podcast and I AM ABSOLUTELY ADDICTED!! Please don’t change ur format and keep it as is 😊. I can’t wait to come to a live event with Georgette and Mark!!!!! Thank you gentlemen for your years of service and God Bless you! Can’t get enough of this podcast, seriously!!!

Helpful and entertaining
This podcast is great for both true crime fans and mental health professionals like myself. I treat a lot of former police officers, military, and firefighters and hearing first hand how these things happen and how the response happened with the officers gives me a lot of insight into the needs of my patients. It also has helped with certain other things I deal with like methamphetamine abuse prevention and opioid diversion in prescribing. I work as a psychiatric medication prescriber in the community and am so thankful for your service. I went to school in the area during the 2014 protests and appreciate all the police work our STL officers have done for us citizens. Thank you for everything you are doing and keep up the podcasts, you’re not just helping citizens have a better outlook on police, you’re also informing better mental health treatment in ways you may not understand.